The Pet Home

A delightful new trend that is sweeping the capital city of GOD's own country, Trivandrum is that more residents have started remodelling their homes to accommodate their pet life as well. No matter how much you pamper your dog it will always want to have a run-around and in this nuclear times, the apartment is barely big enough for the family let alone for the dog to run about. The same space insufficiency applies for any pets. I chose dogs in my example because the latest reports suggest that over 80% of the population has a dog as a pet and every pet needs something that can substitute their natural habitat. Most of the houses for sale in Trivandrum nowadays support this trend. In fact, many of the new age buyers especially ask about their pet needs to the sellers. The climate conditions already play a big role in raising certain pets in our humble province and therefore these extremely vigilant pet owners would look to make everything else they can take care of in the ho...